Monday, April 2, 2012

Bitter Sweet

I wanted to share something here today that is somewhat of a sad story, I know that's what you came here to read........but really this is a good story that's why I labeled it Bitter Sweet. 
This picture is what my little humble solder station used to look like, pretty huh? I say used to because it dosen't look like this any more. I was up late one night like 2:00 am  ( I love to work in the still of the night) while everyone was asleep,  working on a soldering project. Well, see those pretty curtains behind my station (not a GOOD IDEA) I went to set my torch down in the stand and because I wasn't paying attention to my placement I missed and the flame ever so slightly caught the curtains and whooosh before I knew it I had a FIRE, yep, they were ablaze, so I start calling for my hubby to come. Ladies if you ever find yourself in this situation please yell FIRE, as I did not so he was in no hurry to come. The flame grew and yes, I threw water on it everything I had sitting next to me and my coffee too, which just  seemed to make the flame grow.  Now it was up the wall and on the ceiling YIKES! So lucky for me I practice some safety and had a fire extinguisher next to my station and I grabbed it, all along worrying I wouldn't know how to use it as I have never used one before, well I can tell you it was self explanatory you just pull the pin and push the trigger then aim. It worked like a charm the fire whent out just in time for my hubby to arrive, yes I was still yelling for him but in all the confusion I still never yelled FIRE. So he comes into a large amount of smoke and I do mean large, as my studio is in the house and if filled with smoke and dust from the fire extinguisher. I think the dust was worse and smelled terrible! Everything was covered in a green soft powder it took me weeks to get it all out. 
As I sat on my back deck waiting for the smoke to clear and just thanking God for the miracle that it was not worse.  As my two little girls were asleep( because the smoke did not hit that part of the house, and the smoke alarm didn't go off) I realized how in a minute life could all be so different all because of a stupid mistake! I thought the curtains looked so pretty not thinking about what could happen.
 I wanted to share this here as I now practice safety as much as I can and I own 4 fire extinguishers one in every room, also a fire alarm in my studio. Come to find out 80% of house fires start in the kitchen, hmmm I wonder if the other 20% are in studios?
I have since moved as this was a little while back but thought it important to share as hopefully if you read this it will make you think out safety at the bench and if you don't have a fire extinguisher in your studio you should! I now have a great set up and will share pictures of my studio here soon.  

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cara, I am so sorry to hear about your accident but so glad that you remembered about the fire extinguisher to put it out. I have a similar story about laboratory alcohol and a very old, not inspected, bright red extinguisher when I worked in the lab. I am very glad to hear that no one was hurt and that there wasn't a huge amount of property damage. I think Someone was looking out of you - that Someone being the higher power that you believe in. I am so thankful that Someone intervened. Positive thoughts and prayers are being sent your way. Blessings for you and your family.
